Employment Application

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Is any information relative to change in name, use of an assumed name, maiden name, or nickname necessary to check your work record?
Do you authorize us to contact your previous and present employer for reference prior to employment with this business?
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I certify that the information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I authorize investigation of all matters contained in this application and agree that any misleading or false statements would be cause for rejection of this application or would be sufficient cause for dismissal after employment begins. I understand that employment is contingent upon the receipt  of negative drug screening results and satisfactory work references by Bay City Veterinary Clinic & Equine Hospital. I further understand that my continued employment will be based on my satisfactory performance and the satisfactory completion of the Probationary Period of employment. I hereby authorize my past and present employers to furnish Bay City Veterinary Clinic & Equine Hospital with their records of my employment.

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